It happened in a large, seventy-five-year-old stone house on the west side of Houston. A massive stairway led up to several bedrooms. The den down below was done in rough-hewn boards with soft leather chairs and a couple of matching sofas. The wet bar had been converted into a small library, including a shelf of tape recordings and a multiple-speaker sound system. The ideal place to spend a weekend . . . unfortunately, my wife and I were there just for the evening.
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Worth Your Time
It was Ernest Hemingway who once said, “Time is the least thing we have of.” And he was right. How quickly time passes—and how often we lament this. If only we could tack an extra twenty-five or thirty years on to the usual span. There is so much more we want to see, to celebrate, to do. So many places to go, so much to enjoy, to feel, to read, to talk about, to participate in, to encounter. Yet, for each of us, this thing called time is in such short supply.
Read MoreThe Potter and the Clay
By now in our Christian walk we hardly need the reminder that life is not a cloud-nine utopia. It is a terribly unrealistic view to think that Christ helps you live happily ever after; it’s downright unbiblical! Most of life is learning and growing, falling and getting back up, forgiving and forgetting, accepting and going on.
Read MoreThe Rewards of Serving
Serving God by serving others definitely has rewards, and they are numerous. They far outweigh the consequences. When we think about them, they motivate us to keep going.
Read MoreGod’s Promises for His Servants from Revelation
And I heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men, and He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them, and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away.” (Revelation 21:1–4)
Read MoreFakes
2 Corinthians 11:13-15; Revelation 17-18 A friend of mine ate dog food one evening. No, he wasn’t at a fraternity initiation nor a hobo party . . . he was actually at an elegant student reception in a physician’s home near Miami. The dog food was served on delicate little crackers with a wedge of […]
Read MoreHow Do We Know That Jesus Is God?
Question: I recently read the book, The Da Vinci Code. I know that it is fiction, but it has caused me to question everything that I’ve always believed about Jesus. How do we know that Jesus is God in the flesh and not simply a good teacher? Answer: For two thousand years, critics have chipped […]
Read MoreAt the Threshold of an Open Door
When I was growing up, I never knew cursing, drinking, divorce, or what people commonly call “the wild life.” And believe it or not, at the time I didn’t know the rest of the world was any different. Today many feel that growing up in such a protected environment, free from the dangers of the […]
Read MoreWill the Real Antichrist Please Stand Up?
The exotic—even bizarre—symbols used to describe the Beast in Revelation 13 are not just frightening features conjured up to illustrate the monstrous character of the Antichrist. The vision of the Beast is drawn from specific images in the book of Daniel in order to communicate the reality of this end-times dictator. In Daniel 7, Daniel […]
Read MoreReading Revelation
Q. Why should I study the book of Revelation? Is it really relevant to my life? A. First, God’s inerrant Word is a reliable map. No matter how difficult it is to comprehend the mind-blowing visions presented in Revelation, we must not forget that it is part of God’s Word. As such, it includes an […]
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