About Insight for Living

Our Mission

Insight for Living is committed to excellence in communicating the truths of Scripture and the person of Jesus Christ in an accurate, clear, and practical manner so that people will come to an understanding of God’s plan for their lives, as well as their significant role as authentic Christians in a needy, hostile, and desperate world.

Our Vision

Insight for Living desires that all people know the truth found in God’s Word. Our ministry calls this passion Vision 195—our hope that individuals in all 195 countries of the world can hear, read, and understand Pastor Chuck Swindoll’s biblical teaching and be ministered to in their heart language. People of all walks of life and languages are desperate for truth that provides genuine hope and encouragement that can only come through Christ. To meet that need, the ministry has theologically trained pastors in many countries. It also has Dallas Theological Seminary graduates and interns at our international headquarters in Frisco, Texas, U.S.A. These pastors and interns work to ensure that our content is presented in an accurate, clear, and practical manner, all the while offering hope and real-life applications to the lives of people everywhere. We currently minister in Arabic, English, Mandarin, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, and Telugu. Our international-language ministries offer broadcasts on more than 1,000 stations, language-specific Web sites, as well as provide many printed publications.

One of the strengths of our international ministries is that our pastors live, work, and minister in many of these 195 countries, so Chuck’s heart for preaching and teaching God’s Word and offering the hope of the gospel can be expressed locally. This allows these pastors to lead local churches, mentor young pastors, and provide pastoral care in person. Komal Subhadheer Vempati serves in this capacity for India in the Telugu language. For more information on Insight for Living’s international ministries, visit vision195.com. If you would like to hear one of our international broadcasts, visit insightworld.org.