Doing vs. Being

My high school graduating class had its thirtieth anniversary reunion a number of summers ago. I’m sure they had a ball. A blast would better describe it, knowing that crowd. You gotta understand the east side of Houston back in the 1950s to have some idea of that explosive student body . . . a couple of thousand strong and a lot of ’em mean as a junkyard dog with a nail in his paw.

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Another Chance

Instant replays have become old hat. Whether it’s an impressive backhand or a slam dunk or a touchdown pass, we never have to worry about missing it the first time around. It’ll be back again and again, and probably again. In slow motion at least once. Every coordinated movement, every graceful or powerful motion returns to be analyzed by fan and announcer alike.

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A Cheerful Heart

Earthquakes! Prison riots! Economic pressures! Divorce! No jobs! Drugs! Disease! Death! Pretty serious scene, isn’t it? Yet that is the emotional environment in which we live. No wonder someone has dubbed this the “aspirin age.” Small wonder more of us are not throwing in the towel.

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Healing Takes Time

Hippocrates was a Greek physician considered by many to be “the Father of Medicine.” It is he, you may recall, who wrote the immortal Hippocratic Oath still taken by those entering the practice of medicine. This ancient physician lived somewhere between 450 BC and 375 BC. He wrote much more than the famous oath that bears his name. Other pieces of fine literature flowed from his pen, many of which still exist. Most of his works, as we might expect, deal with the human anatomy, medicine, and healing.

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Like Jell-O, concepts assume the mold of the words into which they are poured. Who has not been stabbed awake by the use of a particular word . . . or combination of words? Who has not found relief from a well-timed word spoken at the precise moment of need? Who has not been crushed beneath the weight of an ill-chosen word?

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The Five “W’s” of Ecclesiastes

Who wrote it? Since the author didn’t give his name, but referred to himself only as “the teacher” or “preacher” (Hebrew: Qōheleth, Greek: ekklēsiastēs), we cannot be certain. However, most of the evidence suggests that King Solomon was the author. We can conclude this because the writer identified himself as a son of David and king […]

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I remember only two things from my high school chemistry class. First, I got rid of a wart on the back of my right hand through applications of sulfuric acid for thirty-three consecutive days. Second, I watched the slow death of a frog in an unforgettable experiment. My teacher placed the hapless creature in an […]

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How to Begin a Relationship with God

The world is filled with competing theories about God, religion, and salvation. Alternate views of Jesus vie for our attention at every turn. Different paths to different gods market themselves in the ever-changing desert of ideas. Yet in the midst of this world of contradictory claims, Jesus Christ made a bold assertion: “I am the […]

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Mending Fences

What is it that defines property lines, provides security for kids, and gives privacy for parents? Fences, of course. The one in our backyard happens to be made of wood and, much of the time, is barely standing. It’s been slowly falling due to age, weather, and incessant pounding by our two dogs: Sherman, a […]

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