Leading can be awfully lonely and terribly frustrating. I haven’t always believed that. Fact is, when I was a starry-eyed seminary student back around ’59 and ’60, I had this crazy idea that a leader lived a charmed life. Especially a spiritual leader.
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Blind Spots
All of us played follow-the-leader as kids. But even then, when the guide in front was too daring or foolish, we would step aside. There were definite limits on how far we would follow. Sadly, this is not always true in the spiritual realm, where leaders unworthy of the name sometimes command blind devotion.
Read MoreEternal Dimensions
Contentment is something we must learn. It isn’t a trait we’re born with. But the question is how? In 1 Timothy 6 we find a couple of very practical answers to that question . . .
Read MoreStrengthening Your Grip on Money
Now there’s a fitting title! Especially in a day when our current accounts need month-to-month resuscitation to survive mind-numbing government deficits and debts. Unlike those who receive incredible salaries for playing games, making movies, singing songs, and pumping oil, most of us are forced to face the fact that the only way we’ll ever see […]
Read MoreThe Joys of Generosity
When we realise the vastness of our divine resources, when we acknowledge that the eternal richness of heaven is His gift to us, we won’t be miserly with the things we have. On the contrary, we’ll be eager and free to share. In short, we will know the joy of generosity. A generosity rooted in […]
Read MoreFor Dads
I don’t often recommend a volume without reservation, but I think every man should read Temptations Men Face by Tom Eisenman. I’m not saying I agree with everything in it, or that you will, but it’s one of those works that deserves being read . . . especially by men. I appreciate Tom’s candour and […]
Read MoreContentment
Laurence J. Peter and I are close friends. No, actually, we’ve never met, but we’ve visited together numerous times. We’ve never even shaken hands, but we’ve been in agreement ever since we crossed paths. Although I’ve never laid eyes on him, I’ve smiled at his comments and nodded at his conclusions . . . amazed […]
Read MoreGetting Past Guilt: Overcoming Barriers to Feeling Forgiven
Puritan minister Richard Baxter warned about the emotional toll of carrying unnecessary guilt: “That sorrow, even for sin, may be overmuch. That overmuch sorrow swalloweth one up.”1 In his wonderful old English, Reverend Baxter captured the feelings of people who have not experienced forgiveness. Grief over past sins plunges them into a depth of sorrow. […]
Read MoreWhat to Do When A Leader Falls
God’s work is sacred. So when a person engaged in ministry repeatedly defies God’s high and holy standards, that individual is to be removed. The apostle Paul’s judgment and command are uncompromising. The very reason God’s work is holy is because He is holy. Those who minister will never do so without some failures, because […]
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